
Yogyakarta has become the capital of the Republic of Indonesia during the period 1946-1949. At that time, also became a city filled with
revolutionary struggle to maintain independence and recognition. Various historical events happened and you can see it by visiting the museum of Yogya Kembali monument which represents a return of capital of Yogyakarta as a sign of the end of the colonial powers of the Netherlands. Located on an imaginary axis axis line between Mount Merapi-Kraton Monument White – Pal – Panggung Krapyak and South seas, in it you can see the diorama dioramas and diverse collection that deals with the struggle of the people of Indonesia.

Jl. Lingkar North, Jongkang, Sariharjo, Nganglik, Sleman 
Tel. (0274) 868225 
open: Tuesday – Sunday 08.00 – 16.00 PM 
tickets: Rp. 10.000,-General and 10% discount for groups of minimum 30 persons.

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